And In Other News

circusWhile the world has been watching the American political circus over the past several years, a recurring question put forth by all parties has been, “Can this or that person be trusted with the nuclear codes?” This is an important question, no doubt, but one that overshadows an even more significant question. Granted, the President is the single gatekeeper to the national arsenal, but enemies foreign and domestic seem to be making their own keys to nuclear infrastructure these days.


Consider a recent Reuters article that details a cyberattack on a nuclear plant. Perhaps “details” is ill-chosen, since not many details are offered by the IAEA. So let’s just look at the idea of an attack and go from there in the direction of the global chaos that tends to follow nuclear energy production plants, most recently in Japan. After getting our minds wrapped around that, follow that potentially clean and safe energy source onto the national and local power grids, and from there into your offices and living rooms. Now imagine a hacker sitting in his den somewhere turning your lights on and off to your great consternation. Not a pretty picture.

The Art of Cybersecurity

Now imagine a different picture. Imagine your organization running smoothly day after day, without interruption, and without incident. Imagine the smiling faces in your IT Department reporting at every staff meeting the safety and security of your network and infrastructure.


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