A Bitcoin for Your Thoughts

Collateral Influence

In an age when it costs more to mint a penny than the penny is actually worth, Satoshi gave us money that moves freely through the ether and will never languish in the folds beneath sofa cushions. Encrypted currency for the digital world. Hermetically sealed and seemingly inviolable in the wonder of cryptography, Bitcoin rose quickly from absolute obscurity to media fame and very real fortune, peaking at over $1,200 a coin late last year. Though currently hovering at a third of that value, and struggling to reconcile its status as currency or commodity, the real worth of Bitcoin has yet to be felt. Success or failure, Bitcoin has ushered in a revolution. We will never look at currency in exactly the same way. This is a story of collateral influence.

A Ripple in the Financial Markets

Bitcoin was the impetus for an emerging economy, spawning a lot of collaboration within and without the banking and financial services industries. Take some really smart people, mix in some code and a dash of money to be made, and opportunities begin to sprout up all over the place, bumping into each other like heat exchangers passing in the night. And it’s the people who make things happen, who see the opportunities and make the connections that make the difference. Its the people who share an idea on a cocktail napkin that changes the world, and it’s human capital that moves ideas forward. That’s collateral influence.

Stepping out of Stepford

Data is crucial to your business, vital to your organization. But so are the people. Even in a sole proprietorship, perhaps especially, people make the difference between a going concern and just plain concern. You depend on your staff to recognize and seize opportunities, and you expect them to be good stewards of your data, to grow it when they can and protect it when they should. But unlike machines or the Stepford Wives, humans are resistant to programming and offer complexity where we often seek predictability.

The Staff that Dreams are Made Of

Human complexity can pay dividends if the right people are in place when the ideas start bumping around, and, as luck would have it, ICS is in the business of finding the right people.

We offer Staff Augmentation and Recruitment as a way of increasing your organization’s flexibility and productivity because nothing says nimble like secure and project-based IT staffing. Got your eye on the industry whale roaming the convention floor? Pursue with confidence that your bait on the hook means our boots on the ground. For longer-term staffing, ICS can assess your needs, identify and screen prospects, present the best candidates and even integrate the new members with your team, all in about 10 business days.

In the IT world, ICS offers collateral influence. We put some really smart people next to yours and watch the magic happen. We might not invent new money, but we maximize your return on IT staffing.

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