Celebrating Women in Government Contracting

As we mark International Women’s Day, it’s crucial to remember at ICS, we’re not just about celebrating our incredible women on this special day; we celebrate them every day. This global day of recognition offers a perfect moment to reflect on the strides women have made in various fields, including the dynamic and challenging world […]

Annual Performance Reviews Are A Waste Of Time: What To Do Instead

Dreading annual performance review season at your company? You’re not alone. The dreaded annual review is outdated, demotivating, and a waste of time. Yet so many companies stubbornly cling to them. Why is that? We’ve tried them all: The Rating Scale method, the 360-degree feedback, Management by Objectives (MBOs) and the Essay Method. They all […]

Master Efficiency with the Dollarization Discipline

In the quest for efficiency, understanding the true value of our actions in dollar terms, as advocated by The Dollarization Discipline, has revolutionized the way businesses operate. At ICS, we’ve embraced this concept, refining it to better suit our delegation and productivity strategies. ICS’s Custom Approach We begin by assigning a monetary value to each […]

Focus to Flourish: The Art of Perfecting Your Business Niche

In the fast-paced world of Government Contracting (GovCon), finding, and evolving your niche is not just a strategy – it’s a necessity. As an entrepreneur who transitioned from an Information Security Specialist in the Air Force to founding ICS in the ’90s, I’ve navigated this journey firsthand. Let me share the pivotal steps that can […]

Some Companies Have a CFO… we have a CFNo!

Many small businesses in the FedGovCon space have a CFO, who is accountable for a litany of activities in the business – Accounting and Finance, Treasury Management, Banking, Risk Management, Contracts, Legal, and more. Here at ICS, I have the luxury of not only having a CFO on my leadership team, but, as I fondly […]

Slow and Steady Wins the Race? More like Fail Fast, Intelligently

In an ever-evolving business landscape, the adage “slow and steady wins the race” is becoming obsolete. At ICS, we’re championing a shift towards “Fail Fast, Intelligently,” as detailed in our CDIO, Tom Brazil’s seminal work, “IMPLEMENTING AN AGILE INNOVATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.” This approach is fundamental to thriving in the competitive GovCon arena, where agility and […]

Elevate Accountability, Elevate Outcomes

In the dynamic sector of government contracting, accountability is paramount. As leaders, we must recognize that accountability extends beyond the individual to entire business units and teams. At ICS, our approach to fostering accountability is based on our core values and clearly written functions for every part of the organization, from leadership to Backoffice to […]

Using Core Values to Avoid Breaking the Camel’s Back

There’s an old fable about a camel that could carry heavy loads without complaint. One day, its owner, trying to maximize his profits, kept adding just one more straw to the camel’s back, believing it wouldn’t make much of a difference. But eventually, there came a point when one last straw was enough to break […]

Communicate Like a Pro: Talk, Don’t Type

In my tenure as a CEO in the government contracting arena, I’ve observed a pivotal trend: the over-reliance on email communication often leads to poor outcomes in Government and Industry. This isn’t just about miscommunication; it’s about the real costs incurred when trying to communicate and understand mission requirements. The Over-Reliance on Email Email and […]

How to Craft a Clear, Executable Vision

A clear, galvanizing vision serves as the bedrock for enduring business growth. We instill unity by articulating our niche, ideal customer, and commitment to guarantees. Documented strategically, this aligns our entire organization. Niche: Our niche establishes our special value. Rather than generic positioning, analyze the precise market gaps you fill better than anyone. Refine that […]

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