New Technologies, New Faces, and Mixed Metaphors

staffingThe economy has been expanding. Maybe not as fast as you’d hoped, but expanding nonetheless. You may have noticed an increase in RFPs, or maybe you’ve seen more activity at trade shows that suggest the project gatekeepers are loosening their grip on the padlock. Get you some of that!

Let’s say you wet a hook and catch the big one or, to mix metaphors, let’s say you’re the dog that finally catches the car. What are you going to do now? Your sales staff is giddy, but your IT staff and infrastructure need some polishing to keep up with the shiny new projects.

Outsourcing is a likely consideration, and the folks in HR will gladly take you to lunch and pitch the benefits of that alternative through the dessert course. I recommend the fried cheesecake. But outsourcing is not without its challenges. Technologies change, relationships evolve, reliable providers graze greener pastures. These are complex issues that can make you wonder if you have enough pens in your pocket protector. Am I right?

Inside Outsourcing

ICS works every day with consultants across the industry, contractors prepared to supplement your team to see a project through to successful completion. We follow a structured and proven, five-step recruitment process to identify both your needs and suitable prospects, delivering vetted candidates for interview usually within ten days. When a deal is struck, we work with the new hire to ensure seamless integration within your organization.

Call ICS today, and let the good times roll.

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