Real American Hero

superyou_111As an IT Professional, you’re well aware of the near-term implications of your work. You keep networks up and running, safe from the grubby hands of hackers and malcontents around the globe. In your spare time, you seek a cure for cancer, provide for widows and orphans, and move the human race toward world peace and universal fiscal solvency. It’s what you do, and it’s all in a day’s work. You probably don’t have the time to study the finer points of our constitutional democracy, but did you know that you may one day emerge as a real American hero?

One Person, One Vote

You might have asked at some point, though, why it is easier to order a pizza or even purchase an arcane text about Ptolemaic mathematical insights than it is to exercise your democratic responsibility to vote? And why is it necessary, in the Internet Age, to retain the antiquated electoral college, an admittedly efficient system at the time of our country’s founding over two hundred years ago, but hardly necessary in a country served by cutting edge transportation and communication infrastructure? This is the part where you come in to save the day, so put on your cape.

Pull The Lever

A recent article expands on the security issues surrounding online voting and Utah’s recent experiment with it. It makes common sense that democracy would one day thrive through the great democratizer, the Internet, just as it makes sense that hacking voting and polling networks would emerge as a tandem issue. And so it is.

Just know, when you take the call to secure American democracy, ICS will be there to help. It’s what we do. We were kidding about the cape, though. Stick with the pocket protector.

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