At any rate, Sunday evening rolls around and you settle in for a little light television to bring the weekend to a close without letting Monday rush the gates ahead of schedule. And then it happens.
60 Minutes runs a segment on the relative ease with which smartphones are hacked. Next thing you know, your pulse is racing, your mind kicks in, and you’ve already transitioned to Monday morning. You are, after all, an IT Professional.
Oh, the Inevitability of IT All
The crux of the segment is the ever-present reality of threats, exacerbated by our ever-expanding dependence on the Internet. Nothing new with that. We’ve heard it all before. At the core of the issue, the hired hackers note, is the seemingly incurable human element. Social engineering remains the red flag of our own vulnerability. Your network is only as secure as your organization’s weakest link.
Plant a Flag. Post a Guard.
Before you go giving the fisheye to Madge in accounting or Teddy in sales, why don’t you give ICS a call. We use industry-leading technologies to audit and assess your security program. Where weaknesses are discovered, we can further assess the vulnerability of your network infrastructure and, using ethical hackers, attempt an attack on the identified vulnerabilities.
Call ICS. It’s what we do.