And They Said Print Was Dead

You are the King of IT, the ruler of all things digital, and your organization offers you unconditional love and admiration for the many hours you put in. You monitor the network, manage passwords, fortify firewalls, educate the staff, and even help their Cousin Joey find an internship with a small security startup. You are the man and the woman. They sing your praises from the rooftop, and even wrote a song in your honor. They printed out the lyrics so you would always have a copy, but they forgot to retrieve it from the community printer, where it sits atop sensitive documents and emails that have been printed in the last hour or so, while the celebration of you was coalescing.

Ironic, isn’t it? Your praises rest on one of your greatest points of weakness. While some have moved in substantive ways to secure document retrieval from office printers, others have not, and that analog presentation of your digital goods can represent quite a problem. Like social engineering, your printer may be the weakest link in your cybersecurity arsenal, and chances are pretty good that you won’t know that until it’s too late.

We Wrote The Book On Cybersecurity

Okay, we didn’t literally write the book, but we’ve been at it a while and have gotten pretty good at it. Besides, an environment as rapidly changing as cybersecurity can probably outrun paper. Unless you leave it on the printer.

In many ways, it’s the little things that go unnoticed until they are exploited. At ICS, we search for and find the little things, before they become big problems.

Call today. Make yourself a note. On second thought, just call now.

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