A Complete Meltdown Would Be Quite A Spectre

Please pardon the spelling above, in what is an unapologetic play for SEO. If you haven’t heard about Meltdown or Spectre yet, you will. They are tragic flaws embedded in microchips that have powered most computers and devices for way too long. They’re like the cousins from Wichita, Kansas who arrive in time for the holidays and choose to stay through spring break. In other words, you keep them forever, like underwear and luggage.

At least that’s the summary offered by a recent Washington Post article, in which they cite a source who says, “This is the most significant security news we’ve had in the last 10 years.” Don’t know about you, but lots of security developments spring to mind with a replay of the last decade, so there must be something to this.

Meltdown affects Intel chips, while Spectre targets AMD, Arm, and Intel chips. The flaw, though, can be fixed with patches developed and provided by various tech companies. The trouble is, they can’t keep up. They’re driving as fast as they can, but the boat they’re towing just passed them on the highway. That’s never a good sign.

Patches, it seems, is more than just a Clarence Carter song, and just as Patches assured his dying father that he could depend on him, tech companies are assuring clients that they can depend on the fixes they’re developing.

If you’re wondering how all this might affect you and your organization, don’t fall for the same old song and dance. Call ICS. You can depend on us

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