A Cross To Bare

Ever been on a cross-town bus? Ever sit criss-cross applesauce? Ever sing along to Christopher Cross as he went sailing? Ever cross a line in the sand, or a red line, or just a line you shouldn’t cross? Ever been to a CrossFit gym, where the patrons flip tractor tires and climb ropes to the sky for the fun of it?

Well, all of those are memorable experiences, without a doubt, but there’s another cross you should know about, and it might be crawling through your network and data at this very moment. It’s the latest thing in malware, and it’s called CrossRat.

CrossRat is a cross-platform persistent surveillance malware or RAT (remote access Trojan) that affects all machines. And if you’ve been smugly suggesting that your Apple product is impenetrable, or that the market share of Mac users is below 10% and doesn’t attract much attention from developers and purveyors of malware, then today’s not a good day for you.

CrossRat is written in and works through Java, so there’s that. Even though Macs don’t ship with Java, third party applications prompt you to install it, and away we go. Currently, according to The Hacker News, only 2 of roughly 58 popular AV packages can detect CrossRat, so your day is getting worse. If you are a PC user, you are accustomed to the anxiety.

Mighty Mouse

Not to worry though. Like Mighty Mouse, ICS is caped and on the scene to save the day and fend off the RATs. You should call today. After all, you can’t spell security without ICS.

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