A Cyber War on Women

houseU.S. House of Representatives Inspector General Theresa Grafenstine told Congress last week what every male IT professional has been saying for years: There are not enough women in this business. The larger context of her comments was the ongoing global cyberwar we seem to be fighting and the notion that arming ourselves with mostly men in this battle is, quite literally, a half-brained idea. Women, she suggests, bring unique skills and strengths to bear on these and other situations, and we should work toward a greater balance between men, women, and minorities.

Talented Diversity

There’s probably a great deal of truth in Grafenstine’s perspective, but right now your organization is staring down a dozen new projects for next year and you’re trying to recruit every man, woman, and child who brings quantifiable talent to your table. Human complexity can pay dividends if the right people are in place when the ideas start bumping around, and, as luck would have it, ICS is in the business of finding the right people.

We offer Staff Augmentation and Recruitment as a way of increasing your organization’s flexibility and productivity because nothing says nimble like secure and project-based IT staffing. Got your eye on the industry whale roaming the convention floor? Pursue with confidence that your bait on the hook means our boots on the ground. For longer-term staffing, ICS can assess your needs, identify and screen prospects, present the best candidates and even integrate the new members with your team, all in about 10 business days.

In the IT world, ICS offers collateral influence. We put some really smart people next to yours and watch the magic happen.

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