A Good Defense is the Best Offense

Let’s say you’re the DNC and you’re really upset about the recent hacking perpetrated by the Russians. Or, we could imagine you’re the US Government, and you’re feeling vulnerable and diplomatic and vengeful, all at the same time. A recent NY Times article expands on the President’s feelings along these lines, and the frustration he feels at having a mighty cyber arsenal at his disposal when revenge only makes matters worse.

The “nuke ‘em back to the stone age” in a cyber sort of way is cathartic, but the reality remains that whatever we do to them, they can do right back to us. While that makes diplomatic relations a more urgent and daily task, it also requires that we stay as close as possible to the leading edge of cyber innovation and response. Not just the government. All of us.

Calm Before the Storm

2017 starts with a bang, so don’t start it out with a whimper. New presidents and legislators, new strategies, and new relationships between global powers. It’s easy to argue that we’re all in this together, but the drama seems unlikely to play out that way. Can you change what you don’t control? No. Can you call ICS and get a better grip on what you can control? Why yes, yes you can.

So while the cabinets change this month and we wait and see what course our nation will take in the coming years, let’s get to work making sure your organization is ready for whatever comes next. Call ICS today for a more secure tomorrow.

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