Computers have long hidden your treasure maps through ASLR or Address Space Layout Randomization, a mechanism that randomizes filing placement of programs in a computer’s memory, making it more difficult for hacker to find their malicious code once they’ve penetrated a computer. That was, at least, until a Dutch team found a way around that.
Pest Control In A Whole New Light
As reported by Wired, “Bugs are everywhere.” Our ability to fight them is greatly diminished by the fact that this exploit uses only javascript for execution, making it very simple to actuate the malicious code from even a single website visit. It also resuscitates bugs that IT professionals had thought were dead and gone forever. So it’s back to the future all over again.
New Hardware and New Perspective
Ultimately, only a new chip will solve this very real problem. In the interim, though, a new set of eyes can help you make sense of things.
ICS offers clear eyesight and experienced perspective. After all, you can’t spell security without ICS. Call today and let ICS take a look under the hood.