All Motivated with No Place to Go

Using digital tablet double exposureAn election cycle is great for reminding citizens what they’re looking for in a leader, a party, and a government. Granted, we don’t need endless election cycles, but a democratic republic depends on an educated and motivated citizenry. So we’ve got that going for us.


As IT professionals, you might have a vested interest in the actions and attentions of government. At some level, investments in infrastructure and mechanisms can only be made by governments, and the responsibility for maintaining that infrastructure falls to them as well. Think of roads and bridges. And the Internet has evolved into a really complex infrastructure, a road that bridges cultures around the globe. Without legislating the access and traffic, at some level governments need to do what they can to facilitate safe and steady flow of information and opportunity.


This week sees the final meeting of President Obama’s Cybersecurity Commission, though the members will continue to work in their respective areas. One of the emerging concerns from that commission is the asynchronous funding and staffing mechanisms that are in play between the public and private sectors. The pace at which cyberthreats emerge is at odds with the ways that governments typically fund defense initiatives. And in many ways, the initiatives in question are the tip of a really big spear.

Light at the End of the Budgeting Tunnel

Organizations face budget issues in different ways, but all share some vulnerability to cyberthreats. Just as governments struggle to fund and staff appropriately, your organization needs to allocate resources to ensure the integrity of your network and data.


ICS can help with this process, offering insight on procedures and staffing and everything in between. Call today, and let’s talk in actionable terms. After all, it’s your network.

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