And The Award Goes To…

awardsIt’s awards season, our time of looking back to a previous year’s achievements across a variety of cultural disciplines. The Oscars, the Golden Globes, and the Peoples’ Choice Awards are just a few. As an IT professional, you’ve longed for more industry-specific recognition, and awards like “Best Pocket Protector in a Supporting Role” or “Best Line of Code in a Feature Length Composition” make your digital heart sing.

Instead, Wired offers up the 11 Biggest Hacks of last year, a compilation of show tunes sure to win a Tony, a Guido, or at least a Doris from accounting. Many of these hacks have graced this and other blogs, fodder for instilling some sense of urgency in our readers. But ask yourself, “Self, do I feel any more secure now than I did at the start of 2015?” Because, if you don’t, they’re rolling out the red carpet in your direction. You could be a contender, though this is not an acceptance speech you want to write.

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

2016 is the year to take action. ICS has a complete cast of characters ready to make your production a huge success. We can do risk assessments to get the dialogue started, penetration testing to ensure your data stays on script, and even business continuity planning, just in case something unforeseen steals the show.

Call ICS today and let Mr. DeMille know you’re ready for your closeup.

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