Authentic Intelligence

Over the last holiday season, around the IT water cooler, the talk inevitably turned to the cool new gadgets that impressed the mortals and blew the minds of Luddites everywhere. That talk was all about Artificial Intelligence and the need to more efficiently sell shoes. IT folks are way too immersed in AI to get bogged down in practical application, but Marketing and Sales were all over it, both in search and point of sale. 


Artificial Sweetener for Cybersecurity

Just when you thought algorithms and AI would check their influence at the door of your world, MIT reveals the greater efficacy of AI on cybersecurity when you leave humans out of the equation. The Tech Republic article suggests that an optimum model currently combines humans and non-humans, but, like autonomous cars and the IoT of HVAC, it seems likely that thinking machines will be more and more involved in catching hackers. Until they hack the AI, of course.


The Good News?

These developments should excite the IT guru in you. This is the brave new world that you can see coming from a mile away, the world that others barely see through squinted eyes. Another part of you, though, the one responsible for network security and proprietary data, wonders if the news is all good.


ICS can help. We bring industry experience and authentic intelligence to bear on these questions. Nothing artificial and no preservatives. Just a healthy dose of security and peace of mind.


Call ICS today, before Sarah Connor knocks on the door. I’ll be back.


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