Be Securely Resolved

Cybersecurity is increasingly relevant, if not indispensable, in this crazy world of ours. The threats are very real, whether deployed by governments around the globe or neckbeard hackers in the window booth at the corner coffee shop. The technology we create to make our lives easier now requires extraordinary vigilance, but it’s not the machines we should fear, as science fiction writers originally thought. The biggest threats seem to be the humans manipulating the good technology for bad purposes, and we can never completely isolate ourselves from them.

Be Securely Vigilant

Threats evolve at roughly the same pace as technology, or maybe it’s the other way around, but we still try to adapt security protocols to match industrial age workflows and architecture. If we keep the bug on the other side of the firewall, we can keep our data on this side. AI is changing the equation on both sides, sure, but that doesn’t mean we’re any safer than before.

Be Brave Into A New Year

ICS can use technologies and strategies like AI and others to protect the network and data that drive your business, so that you can go boldly and profitably into the new year. So this year, while you’re sweating off the holidays pounds with your new gym membership, or peddling the exercise bike in the bedroom corner that will one day soon serve you well as a suit hanger, resolve to take your vigilance to the next level.

Call ICS today, and let’s get your cybersecurity into fighting shape.

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