Better Take That Call

Person using smartphoneHacking is a double-edged sword, in many ways illustrated by the roles of white hat and black hat hackers. Our intrusions into our own digital spaces can facilitate preventive maintenance of our digital footprint as well as morph into the digital boot on our own necks. That’s the nature of the beast.

At the heart of this quandary is the balance of privacy and security and access and the ever-expanding Internet of Things. A tough thing to achieve on a good day, this balance is made more elusive with each passing day, mainly because we keep making life easier. Phones, for example, are only getting smarter, leaving flip phones and bag phones among the ruins of late 20th century relics. It’s great to have such connectivity, but at what cost?

Bigger Name On The Other Line

A recent Wired article points out the stubborn question of privacy in the age of smart phones. While it should be addressed by legislatures and courts, consumers remain the victims of their own convenience, so to say. While technology allows you to pinpoint the location of the nearest latte, it also allows others—including the police—to pinpoint and track your location without your knowledge. This may be good for some parents of teenage daughters, but it represents a threat against the privacy of the balance of humanity.

You Make The Call

Cybersecurity is a complex web of checks and balances, and ICS is the operator. We understand the connections, the switches, and the prank calls.

Call ICS today, before your smartphone, well, outsmarts you.

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