Beyond The Political

Politics is one of those topics best avoided among polite company, and this post in no way espouses particular views or partisan sentiments. It is difficult to talk about federal efforts to enhance cybersecurity without drawing attention to national politics, but that is what we hope to do.


Fortune Magazine reported recently that 7 members resigned from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council. These were folks who specialized in cybersecurity. Their reasons, as outlined in a group resignation letter, were manifold, but the hole they leave in the Council’s ability to advise the President on matters of cybersecurity – through the Department of Homeland Security –  is palpable. Chief among their concerns, it seems, was a lack of preparedness and even commitment of the Trump Administration to understand and work to improve our nation’s cyber readiness.


The third of three takeaways of this development, articulated by TechRepublic, was “The resignations, followed by the report, should make anyone with an interest in cybersecurity nervous: Even federal government-level experts are walking away in frustration at administration inaction.”


Eyes On The Prize


The Federal Government does a lot of things well, and there are no doubt many talented minds working diligently to improve our cyber infrastructure. Let’s remember, though, the old adage that all politics are local. In light of the industry frustration with progress at the national level, what are you doing to ensure your organization’s readiness?


You might even have many of those talented IT people on your staff or your consulting payroll, and they may be doing a bang-up job for you. One day, though, when a hint of doubt creeps in or the hackers knock gets a little too close, we want to be the ones you call.


After all, you can’t spell security without ICS.
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