Bite from the Apple

Which interests outweigh the others? Should the U.S. Government be able to force Apple to assist in breaching the iPhone used by a terrorist? Or should consumers rest assured that, even when their feet are held to the fire, private companies can hold the line about their intellectual property and the security of their products? What was set to be a contentious and landmark legal battle has now been relegated to the moot court and debate team practice file.


As the NY Times reported this week, the government was able to hack the phone without the assistance of Apple, so they withdrew the legal action and kicked the can down the road. We will certainly need to have this conversation as a country — indeed, as a global community to the extent that is possible — but, as predicted and forecast by many, the government found a workaround, enabling law enforcement to access the data and Apple to take the moral high ground. Sounds like a win-win, right?

Greener Pastures All Around

Positions vary on this topic, and even had the court case reached fruition, we would likely search for clear resolution of this tension for years to come. While there are no easy answers, there are educated perspectives and seasoned professionals to help your organization weather whichever storm hits first. ICS offers that perspective and a talented team of those professionals. We should talk.

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