Bundle Up To Avoid The Cold

Forest covered in snowWith every passing week, it seems, cyberthreats and hacks inundate the news cycle and bring home the absolute insecurity that most of us experience (or should) when we take even the smallest of baby steps with our digital footprints. Of late, it’s the Russians who seem to take center stage, hacking our politics and manipulating our elections. Though we could debate the extent of the success, nobody seems to doubt the intent any longer. If those chilly diplomatic breezes seem to intimate a second cold war, will cyber be the weapon of choice? Is it already?

For Every Action There is Reaction

A recent New Yorker article by Evan Osnos speaks volumes to the growing cybersecurity chorus. In it, Osnos recounts statements made after Hiroshima and Nagasaki that suggest that “the American public, and the politicians who serve in our names, should be less interested in how to win a cyber war than in how to prevent it.” Having weaponized the Internet and all the magic it holds through our absolute dependence, we have, in many ways, become our own worst enemy. And try as we may, that genie is not going back in the bottle.

An Ounce of Cybersecurity

Prevention, though, is the key ingredient to this little cake of ours, and ICS knows a thing or two about shaping policies and keeping assets out of harm’s way, protecting your organization from enemies both foreign and domestic.

The Russians may not be knocking on your firewall, but rest assured somebody is. Let ICS help you prevent the devastation that would follow, should that somebody declare war on your network.

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