All The Bells And Whistles

It’s a new year, and one way to celebrate is to buy a new car, even if it’s only “new to you.” The used car market is a vibrant one, and delaying gratification often allows consumers to forego the immediate depreciation of a new car once it’s driven off the lot. And, in may cases, […]

Better Take That Call

Hacking is a double-edged sword, in many ways illustrated by the roles of white hat and black hat hackers. Our intrusions into our own digital spaces can facilitate preventive maintenance of our digital footprint as well as morph into the digital boot on our own necks. That’s the nature of the beast.

Ransomware Is Not Randomware

After being hit three times in the last year, a luxury hotel in Austria is tired of paying a ransom to get its data back. The Romantik Seehotel, according to Motherboard, recently paid about $1,600 in Bitcoin to regain access to its computers and data. At the heart of the issue was their inability to […]

Hacking the Hollywood Star

So you style yourself as some sort of tech guru. Maybe you’ve pulled a kitten from a tree under pressure. Maybe you’ve seen the dark side of the dark web and emerged, once again, into the light to move the needle for all humanity. Or maybe you’ve wandered the cubicles late at night, when it […]

It’s Yesterday Once More

You are a cybersecurity warrior, a veritable scion of security. You spend many waking hours, and some sleepless nights, worrying about the health and robustness of your network and data. Are they as impenetrable as you think they are? Could you be doing more to protect them? The answer to that last question is always […]

Executive Orders

Lots of talk about Executive Orders these days. They’ve been issued in such a flurry that it can be difficult to keep track of what’s being ordered and who’s being affected. On the drafting table, according to CyberScoop, is an EO that initiates President Trump’s efforts on cybersecurity. It doesn’t seem to have the aggressive […]

The Internet of Misfit Toys

Inherent to the narrative about the Internet of Things has been the assumption that greater efficiencies would save consumers time and money. It stands to reason that if your toaster talks to your watch, it would know that about 15 minutes after waking up, you would want your toast to pop up and be plated. […]

A Good Defense is the Best Offense

Let’s say you’re the DNC and you’re really upset about the recent hacking perpetrated by the Russians. Or, we could imagine you’re the US Government, and you’re feeling vulnerable and diplomatic and vengeful, all at the same time. A recent NY Times article expands on the President’s feelings along these lines, and the frustration he feels at […]

A Secret History of Bad Relationships

Have you ever been THAT guy, the one who is only trying to be honest when everybody turns to him to point out the flaws in the system? You’re the one who remembers the office party everybody else wants to forget, down to the details that are all but lost to the ages. You’re there […]

Bold New World

Cybersecurity is approaching oxygen and water on the list of things we need to survive in this crazy world of ours. The threats are very real, whether deployed by governments around the globe or 400-pound hackers in their bed or the window booth at the corner coffee shop. The technology we create to make our […]

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