You Will Save the World Several Times Today

This one goes our to all of the IT professionals our there sporting haute pocket protectors filled with government pens and .5mm mechanical pencils; the troops at the front lines of cybersecurity where the CAT 5 clicks into the road, and the hum and warmth of the server room gives indication to the heat and fire […]

Somewhere Between Sliced Turkey and Santa Claus

  Your organization has weathered some storms, am I right? The valleys between the peaks, when sales slow and payroll weighs heavy on the mind. You’ve hired through the good times and had to cut back in the lean times, but you’ve steadied the ship and there’s quite a bit to be thankful for as […]

Wait, Is It Monday Already?

  Cyber Monday. The masterful creation of marketing professionals, designed to tap your wallet before the turkey and dressing settle in your tummy. Think of the sheer volume of sensitive consumer information that wafted through the ether on that day, searching out bargains and tantalizing hackers. Imagine the millions of people walking through a big […]

Veterans Day

Millions of American military veterans have honored us with their service.  Tomorrow, we set aside a special day to honor them and thank them for all they have done.   As an Air Force veteran, I have seen and experienced firsthand the demands and rewards of military service.  Frequent and extended periods of separation from their […]

And In Other News

While the world has been watching the American political circus over the past several years, a recurring question put forth by all parties has been, “Can this or that person be trusted with the nuclear codes?” This is an important question, no doubt, but one that overshadows an even more significant question. Granted, the President […]

REM and the Lyrical State of Cybersecurity

Way back when, in a world before the Internet, when information moved by postal truck and mere facsimile, there strode upon the earth an alternative rock band whose words were even more prescient now than when they first uttered them. And while REM exited stage left, their pronouncement that “It’s the end of the world […]


A closer look at recent chaotic events surrounding the DDoS attacks on Dyn DNS reveals some frightening things about our rapidly growing dependence on the Internet. A recent NY Times article does a great job of explicating the events in layman’s terms, including the warning, “And the threats will continue long after Election Day for a nation […]

All Motivated with No Place to Go

An election cycle is great for reminding citizens what they’re looking for in a leader, a party, and a government. Granted, we don’t need endless election cycles, but a democratic republic depends on an educated and motivated citizenry. So we’ve got that going for us.   As IT professionals, you might have a vested interest […]

Be Driven to Be the Driver

Mad Max Rolling Thunder Have you ever been passed by a big rig and thought to yourself how glad you were that somebody was at the helm of that rolling bundle of death? Have you ever seen a roadside littered with billboards advertising legal services for victims of crashes involving big rigs? Maybe seen the […]

Blue Skies and Fireflies

If you have flown lately, you might have noticed a new wrinkle in the use of cell phones in flight. In addition to limiting use to airplane mode on those devices so equipped, the crew currently prohibits the use of or charging of any Samsung Note 7 device at any point while aboard the plane. […]

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