ICS Inc. Awarded Spot on $12.6 Billion DIA SITE-III IT Support Contract

Montgomery, AL– Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) was recently named as an awardee for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise III (SITE III) contract vehicle. The 10-year multiple-award contract holds a total estimated value of $12.6 billion. As an awardee, ICS will begin supporting DIA and compete for task orders […]
ICS Halloween-COVID Edition

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many companies are having to come up with unique ways to ensure their employees stay connected and safe at the same time. Here at ICS, we have decided to go the route of virtual parties to allow our employees to intermingle and stay connected from the safety of their homes. Our […]
Integrated Computer Solutions Inc. Chief Digital and Innovation Officer, Tom Brazil, Releases Book Titled Implementing an Agile Innovation System

For Immediate Release October 1, 2020 Montgomery, AL– ICS Inc. announces the release of Implementing an Agile Innovation Management System written by ICS Chief Digital and Innovation Officer, Tom Brazil. Implementing an Agile Innovation Management System provides insights and guidance for implementing a best-practice Agile Innovation Management System-based on The Agile Innovation Master Plan by […]
Make It Happen Podcast with 24 Communications and Tom Brazil

Click here to listen to a recent podcast hosted by 24 Communications with ICS’ Tom Brazil, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer. In this Podcast, Tom shares insights from his new book “Implementing an Agile Innovation Management System” and how this framework can be applied to any organization looking to shape the pace of exponential change […]
Big Tech Way Too Social?

The recent appearance of tech leaders before a Zoom Hearing of Congressional leaders to discuss anti-trust implications and, ultimately, influence. It is, after all, an election year.
Your Permanent Record

Remember the ultimate threat back in the day, that some action or inaction on your part would be written indelibly on your permanent record. That combined with the quicksand on Gilligan’s Island seemed almost too daunting to bear.
Next Team, Best Team

As an IT professional and keen business observer, you’re always scouting talent. You like to recruit good people as you find them, not as you need them.
Rock You Like A Hurricane

Tropical storms ease their way into our lives, starting at the bottom right corner of the screen and working their way into and through our living rooms. Natural disasters, combined with the built landscape we humans are so good at, leave unnatural sights in their wake.
ICS-led Joint Venture Awarded Prime Position on $7.5 Billion DISA SETI Contract

For Immediate Release August 3, 2020 Montgomery, AL– Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) announced today that Defense Information Systems Agency awarded RedTeam Engineering, LLC (RedTeam) a prime position on the Defense Information Services Agency (DISA) Systems Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (SETI) multi-award, indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract. The contract represents new work for the company, has […]
Planning into the Eye of the Hurricane

Looking way out over the hood is part of business planning, and the emerging changes in our physical world certainly play into that. If you think 200 years is too far away to have implications for your business, consider the implications of rising water levels along much of the world’s coastlines,