Monetizing Uncle Larry’s Politics

Facebook, and social media in general, opened the floodgates of torrential conversation. As has been said of the technology, “The good news is, everybody has a voice. The bad news is everybody has a voice.” For many, Facebook has been slipping into a realm of political rants separated only by friend requests from high school […]
Stuxnet: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Remember that time when the Iranian nuclear program was flummoxed by the speeding up or slowing down of their centrifuges? Though the actors have never been formally identified, the special sauce to that enterprise was Stuxnet, and the secret ingredient of that sauce was counterfeit cryptographic certificates from known companies that greased the skids for […]
This Is Only A Test
Imagine a scenario in which one of your employees — Madge in accounting, or Skip in sales, for instance — selects an incorrect option from a drop-down menu and opens your network and data to the world. Working with that set of menu options is part of his daily routine, but for some reason the […]
Got Your Head In The Clouds?
A recent cloud security report, as you might expect, had some good news and some bad. Somewhere in the middle is the news that’s just that: news. The cases you hear the most about, like the ransomware attacks, make up only about 2% of the overall picture, while web applications represent about 75% of the […]
The Most Interesting IT Guy In The World
You’ve seen him at conferences, sporting an ascot and a pocket protector and making it look good. He works the vendor pit like he owns the place, collecting cards and envy from everyone he meets, and connecting demand with supply in subtle but glamorous ways. He walks into a seminar like he was walking onto […]
The Cure For What Ails You
History is rife with examples of enterprising salesmen rushing into lucrative markets to fill a void, real or perceived. Contractors and roofers who work the hurricane and tornado circuits, lawyers pitching the massive settlements they’ve secured for their clients, and even gameshow hosts selling reverse mortgages and arthritis balms. Like the Wizard in Oz, when […]
And They Said Print Was Dead
You are the King of IT, the ruler of all things digital, and your organization offers you unconditional love and admiration for the many hours you put in. You monitor the network, manage passwords, fortify firewalls, educate the staff, and even help their Cousin Joey find an internship with a small security startup. You are […]
A Cross To Bare
Ever been on a cross-town bus? Ever sit criss-cross applesauce? Ever sing along to Christopher Cross as he went sailing? Ever cross a line in the sand, or a red line, or just a line you shouldn’t cross? Ever been to a CrossFit gym, where the patrons flip tractor tires and climb ropes to the […]
Retailers And Fraud
It’s the classic plot detail from movies and television shows since the 1980s. A credit card is offered to the waitress or clerk and it is refused by the credit card company. The inverse scenario is now playing out, where credit card companies send a text or email to alert you to a suspicious transaction, […]
A Complete Meltdown Would Be Quite A Spectre
Please pardon the spelling above, in what is an unapologetic play for SEO. If you haven’t heard about Meltdown or Spectre yet, you will. They are tragic flaws embedded in microchips that have powered most computers and devices for way too long.