The Odyssey Toward A Civic Accord

Those in the car game, the dealers and analysts with a vested interest in automobile design and production, have a time-honored turn of phrase for the challenges faced by Honda franchisees. They like to ask the question, “How do you make money with a Honda dealership?” And then they offer with all the deadpan they can muster, “Unlock the door.” The automaker’s reputation and product have been solid for quite a while. But this is not a testimonial for Honda. This is a story about the lock on the door.

Recently, Honda halted production, and it made dealers wanna cry. No, wait. It was actually the WannaCry worm, thought to be extinct, that exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft products and infected more than 1,000 machines worldwide. The story has been widely reported, including in Forbes.

Honda Manufacturing is, without a doubt, a well-oiled machine that produces well-oiled machines. And yet the big machine is vulnerable, despite a vigilance that no doubt exceeds industry expectations. At the other end of the spectrum are small businesses running antivirus software purchased at big box office supply in the later years of the Clinton Administration. Chances are pretty good that your organization falls into the middle of the spectrum, hopefully leaning hard into the growing threat. Even during these times when pandemics and social unrest have us all on edge, chewing through contingencies and emergency plans like M&Ms, we have to ask ourselves, “Are we doing everything we can do?”

ICS is here to help you answer that question and the many others that slink into your noggin during the witching hours when you should be sleeping. Sometimes you just need a fresh set of eyes on the prize. So call today, and dream peacefully tonight.

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