Dr. Strangelove Rides Again

Ever have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong, one of those days when, given the opportunity, you might choose to push the red button and blow it all up, just to start it up all over again without all the craziness? Fortunately, those days are few and far between, and even more comforting, you don’t have one of those buttons. The nuclear option has been with us for nearly a century now, as a weapon, an energy source, and even a cultural reference, but we never seem to fully control the option the way we think we do.

Take the recent Threatpost report about Westech, a defense contractor who manages much of our country’s nuclear arsenal, and their ransomware dustup with the Maze gang. Maybe the hackers don’t have their finger on the button either, but Maze has released sensitive Westech data that demonstrates they know a vulnerability when they see it. And if you’ve breached the systems of the folks maintaining a bunch of ICBMs in the American West, you’ve probably done that on purpose, especially if you’ve requested, like Dr. Evil, a ransom of “One Million Dollars.” [Insert maniacal laugh here for effect.]

ICS is a bit like Austin Powers, Man of Mystery, only without the mystery and cheeky British comedy. We know a thing or two about real-world cybersecurity, though, and we’ve built a team of talented, hard-working folks that live to exceed expectations, to deliver predictably, every time for every client. If that sounds like your kind of perspective, call us today, before the little red button starts to look attractive again.

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