From Russia, With Love

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the voting booth, suspicions emerge anew that Russian hackers are watching from the other side of the screen. Okay, so maybe not the other side of the screen, but a recent Fortune report suggests that the icy past that at least most of us have enjoyed with Russian interference might just be the gift that keeps on giving this election season. Even the Florida heat, it seems, can’t melt their cold, cold hearts.

Florida Senator Bill Nelson is warning that hackers have penetrated voter registration systems in multiple counties in his state, a development that looms large since he is seeking re-election this year. At this point, it’s uncertain exactly what actions the State of Florida will take to combat these new attacks, but the latest round of attacks seem unlikely to be limited to the Sunshine State.

A Vote For Cybersecurity

It is unlikely that the fate of the American electoral and democratic systems hinge on the security of your network, but the implications are just as extraordinary for your organization’s future. You run on data, just like the rest of the world, and the security of that data in the rest of the world can mean the difference between you running your business or someone else running away with your business.

One way to navigate the stormy waters of cybercrime that lurk just beneath the surface is to add an experienced hand to the tiller. ICS has been helping steer organizational ships around trouble for years, and we can do the same for you. As you plan and budget for the near term and long term, cast a vote for ICS. And don’t wait for November. That might be too late. Call today.

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