Got Your Head In The Clouds?

A recent cloud security report, as you might expect, had some good news and some bad. Somewhere in the middle is the news that’s just that: news. The cases you hear the most about, like the ransomware attacks, make up only about 2% of the overall picture, while web applications represent about 75% of the vulnerability. As for cloud storage and cloud services, the report found that public clouds are more than 50% safer than private or onsite storage. A recent article by Security Intelligence summed it up nicely, and we commend that to your reading list. That’s good to know, especially if you are scaling up or outgrowing your current storage arrangement. But it’s not a perfect system.

Take, for instance, recent reporting that Tesla’s cloud system (AWS account) was hijacked and used to mine cryptocurrency. CNBC’s story outlines and incident that affected others as well as Tesla. To be clear, the breach occurred through an administrative portal that, apparently, was not password protected, and is not indicative of negligence on the part of AWS. It does demonstrate, however, that the cloud increases the vulnerability of organizational resources, and sophisticated hackers are making quick work of their exploitation.

A Down To Earth Solution

Hacking is not rocket science or brain surgery, but how long before hackers are actively engaged in those things through breaches? Pacemakers can be hacked and leading edge car companies can, too. Looks pretty grim for the rest of us, the normal organizations trying to make a living and a difference. But there’s hope.

ICS can help you keep the rain out of your cloud. Call today, for a sunnier tomorrow.

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