Hacker for Hire

Think of it as Angie’s List or Craigslist for cyber ops, a mainstream marketplace for nefarious services provided by invisible people paid in Bitcoin. Transactions are not traceable in either direction, but the information you seek is mined from the personal profiles and accounts of your target audience, whether that audience is a cheating spouse or a rebellious teenager with a hidden social media presence. It’s a complete rewrite of the old “need to know” basis, and we feed our vulnerability with every click, tap, and swipe.

Mind Your Own Business

Drilling down into a teenager’s Facebook history might not pose an immediate threat to your organization’s well-being, and the philandering tendencies of staff members on their own time is, in a purely legal sense, none of your business. Until, of course, it is.

While a hacker may penetrate your network with the original intent of migrating the email history of one employee, the fact remains that your network has been penetrated. Not for reasons of corporate espionage or political gain, but rather for suspected marital infidelity. It just got real.

Don’t Wave a White Flag. Hire a White Hat.

You can never hope to manage all the moving parts of your organization, especially the complex lives woven by by your staff outside of the workplace and the social engineering potential that brings. It’s also impossible to anticipate exact points of vulnerability without a thorough assessment of, among other things, your security protocols and procedures, network infrastructure, and application exposure. It can seem overwhelming, but don’t give up.

ICS uses industry-leading technologies to audit and assess your security program. Where weaknesses are discovered, we can further assess the vulnerability of your network infrastructure and, using ethical hackers, attempt an attack on the identified vulnerabilities.

Plant your flag. Call ICS. We’ll post a guard. It’s what we do.

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