Hacking the Hollywood Star

Reel of FilmSo you style yourself as some sort of tech guru. Maybe you’ve pulled a kitten from a tree under pressure. Maybe you’ve seen the dark side of the dark web and emerged, once again, into the light to move the needle for all humanity. Or maybe you’ve wandered the cubicles late at night, when it was your turn at the tip of the On Call spear, and maybe the shadows cast by the buzzing fluorescents cast you in the starlight you deserve. And now you fancy yourself kneeling at your star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Easy there, Cochise.

A Film for the Sages

Pierce Brosnan knows your ways. After all, he once played Remington Steele before revealing his abject lack of singing talent in “Mamma Mia.” But he’s seen the dark side of IT, as well. His latest film is even called “IT,” and it’s making its way across the Interwebs right now. But he’s not the IT guy in the film. No, Remington Steele is the victim, the guy the hacker latches on to with unrelenting enthusiasm.


Lights, Camera…

Anyone who has seen that movie knows two things for sure. First, Pierce Brosnan has been playing the same role for nearly thirty years, pausing only to change clothes and meet the new cast. Second, the Internet of Things can allow even the most casual social engineers access to your data, your house, and your family.

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