Here’s the thing, though. At what point do we get serious about breaches? Chipotle does a brisk business in the casual dining space, and a successful hack could mean adult lettuce. Grande guacamole. The whole enchilada. Wait. I don’t think they serve enchiladas.
Your Money Is In their Breaches
It’s one thing to feel sorry for Chipotle. They got hacked. Their network infrastructure should now undergo a complete colonoscopy to determine if other vulnerabilities exist. And it’s almost certain that they do. It’s another thing to remember that your information was a part of that data haul that is now floating around in the ether. Everyone is vulnerable, like Dorothy and Toto vulnerable, while the Wicked Witch launches the evil monkeys and boards the broom vulnerable. And you’re going to need more than a flaming scarecrow and a bucket of water to stop that threat.
The Man Behind The Curtain
ICS pulls the levers and switches that can keep your IT infrastructure running smoothly and safely. We have the heart, the brains, and the courage to escort you down the yellow brick road to network security and absolute data integrity.
Call ICS today and let’s get started. We can stop for Tex-Mex along the way, but we should probably pay cash. Ruby slippers sold separately. Not available in states with no imagination.