Head In The Cloud(s)

Remember life before the cloud, that endless blue sky of digital bliss? Ancient history, it seems. It also seems like folks bury their heads in the cloud much like they used to bury their heads in the sand, a proven method for not dealing with the complexities of the digital age. The downside is, though, that the vulnerabilities related to an almost universal dependence on cloud computing continue to rise, at least according to a recent Forbes report. It makes sense that vulnerability would rise in tandem with exposure, so it makes sense that you need a fresh set of eyes to take a look at your cloud. That last part sounds like a really bad song lyric from the 1960’s, but the sentiment is no less true.

Talking On Cloud Nine

From engineering to migration to ongoing sustainability and development, ICS has the expertise to manage your cloud experience from start to finish, including contractors using GovCloud and MilCloud. Here is a summary of our services, but we recognize that not all clouds are alike. So the best bet might be to start a conversation. ICS can bring our expertise to support a wide variety of applications and cloud platforms.

Though our initials stand for Integrated Computer Solutions, think of it as Integrated Cloud Services. Call us today.

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