Hollywood Hacks

Have you ever seen a movie you disliked so much that you wanted your money back? Maybe you kept hoping it would get better but finally you just had to get up and leave. We even use the previews to judge the movies by their covers, voting with our wallets to guide movie studios across our discriminating palates.

Now imagine disliking a preview so much that North Korea orders its national army’s cyberwar unit to hack into the Sony Pictures network and create as much chaos as possible without leaving a trail. That’s a strong vote with a big wallet and even bigger repercussions.

Do You Get the Picture?

In addition to movie files, the Sony Pictures breach released lots of sensitive information to the light of day, including salaries, socials, and secrets, and not just from Sony Pictures. A Sony employee had a personnel file from his old gig at Deloitte, and all that data wandered off into the ether as well. How can you protect your organization against all conceivable threats, including the roving Rolodexes of the C-Suite?

The Truth, More or Less

Truth is, you can’t protect yourself completely. Even if you seal up the T-1 and sanitize every bit and byte before it surfs the fiber optic into your network, your data is vulnerable. On the bright side, ICS can help you identify those vulnerabilities and establish testable protocols that help minimize your exposure to angry little dictators or anyone else who might want access to your valuable products and information.

ICS: Winner of the Oscar for Best Cybersecurity Firm with Leading Talent in a Supporting Role. The long titles never make the primetime show.

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