How Tweet It Is

Twitter was once a quirky little social media platform that challenged folks to express complete thoughts in 140 characters or less. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It seems to have been deployed as a weapon of misinformation across our political processes, though no social media platform (or user, for that matter) is without some responsibility. Facebook faces the congressional music and promises change, and Twitter is engaging in some systemic changes as well, most notably scouring their rolls for bots and fake accounts that contribute mightily to the confusion. While a larger question about the efficacy of such platforms in the human experience is overdue, efforts to stick the genie back in the bottle are appreciated, if only as demonstrations of good faith.

What’s This Got To Do With Me?

Great question, and oddly it has nothing to do with social media. Twitter is also an organization, a group of people and the technology that curate rapid growth and cultural changes around the globe. Just like your organization, only bigger or smaller. Twitter is pruning their tree, cutting back limbs and branches that don’t support their mission and detract from their efforts to build community. In other organizations, perhaps even yours, user interfaces and API gateways have potentially baked some distasteful ingredients into the cake, and hackers are steadily working their way through those loose ends and into the very soul of your growing business. Unless they’re not, and we hope that’s the case.

If you are not absolutely certain that your data and network are completely safe and invulnerable, you should call ICS today. And, if you ARE absolutely certain, you should call ICS right now. There is no certainty in the ether. ICS can help you move forward with confidence, and that’s as tweet as it gets.

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