I’m with the Government, and I’m Here to Hold a Hearing

dcWe hear a lot about homeland security, both the pursuit and the official government department. The TSA is probably the latter’s most visible, and often most toxic, representative, especially when you see the little old lady victimized by the random full body search. The work they do is important, but a lot of it never sees the light of day. That can be good or bad. On a slow day, though, you can witness the machinations that propel our homeland into great security, because a recent Senate Homeland Security Committee meeting was recorded and is viewable here. Granted, it’s a couple hours of your life you’ll never get back, but whatever inflates your balloon.

The agenda for the May 18th meeting included soliciting some perspectives on cyberthreats to grids and infrastructure. Heady stuff, so get another cup of coffee before you hit play. The short version of the story, articulated by guest speaker Ted Koppel, an author who writes about cyberattacks, is that cyberattacks on our infrastructure are inevitable. He further points out that DHS anticipates and plans for recovery from natural disasters, but their planning to date gives little attention to a complete loss of the power grid, an event that gives even the most ardent conspiracy theorist pause.

Not Planning for Disaster IS the Disaster

From Gulf Hurricanes to Global Jihad, the world is becoming less and less predictable. The only certainty is uncertainty. As a matter of routine business management, organizations should plan for inevitable disasters and timely recovery from them.

Call ICS today and ask about their business continuity, continuity of government, and disaster recovery planning programs. Do that before you watch the Senate committee hearing linked above or it may be too late. It’s a long meeting.

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