Internet of Wings

Ever feel like somebody else is in control of your life, flying the airplane that is your body through the friendly skies of your daily routine? Well, if you’re on the same plane with Chris Roberts, you might just be living beyond the metaphor. Chris likes to fly big airplanes, with real people on them. But Chris Roberts is not a pilot.

Auto Pilot Gone Rogue

Chris Roberts is a cybersecurity researcher who, for the past six years or so, has focused on aviation security. He conducts penetration testing and vulnerability assessments on airplane systems, usually on simulators, but has said in conversations with the FBI that he has successfully hacked flight control systems on an airplane in flight, overwrote code in the flight control sequence, and changed its course, all through the in-flight entertainment system, or IFE. And nobody on the plane knew it.

Look Twice at That Thermostat

The Internet of Things is deceptive, alluring, and dangerous, and she is a fickle mistress. The things that make our lives easier, from alarm systems to toasters to deadbolt locks that open with a ping from around the globe, leave us vulnerable to those who would open our doors, steal our stuff, and burn our toast. Maybe even fly our planes.

Let ICS help you make sense of IoT by assessing your organization’s vulnerability. We’ll even review your inflight entertainment system and other applications that allow your business to reach for the stars. Give us clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger.

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