Known Unknowns and State Dinners

whitehouseYou’re an IT expert, department head, and management guru. You eat complications for lunch and challenges for dessert, but have you ever really gotten that stellar mind of yours around budgeting? You know about the known knowns, and the known unknowns can be accounted for, but that last category of unknown unknowns stumped even Dick Cheney. And the unknowns in the IT space get more complex every day.


Take China, for example. Their hackers, state-sponsored and otherwise, have penetrated some very sensitive networks lately, so much so that this week’s State Dinner with our nation’s leadership was almost put on ice. But China is a known, and if we can strengthen that relationship through dialogue over chicken and couscous, it’s all good. As a nation, we’ve budgeted for that.


Think Globally, Budget Locally

You organization faces similar threats as the U.S. Government, but chances are you don’t have the resources to create a Cyber Command or host dinners with global leaders. Tough to budget for transglobal political subterfuge when you’re basing staffing and expense numbers on projects won and an ever-changing revenue landscape. ICS can help.


While the threat is decidedly global, ICS is refreshingly local, never more than a call or click away. So when you’re budgeting for next year, ICS is a known known, a provider of cybersecurity products and services that will keep threats at bay for pennies on the average breach dollar.


After all, you can’t spell security without ICS. Give it a try, and then give us a call.

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