Digital Point Of No Return
In addition to your physical premises, you have data to think about, networks to protect, and servers to secure. The cyber side of your business needs the tech equivalent of plywood and sandbags, because the digital bell has been rung. Much as you’d like to, your business runs on its digital footprints, and there’s no going back to pencil and paper when the grid goes down.
The Right Steps At The Right Time
Weather has no conscience and no political affiliation, and it strikes without emotion. The media likes to tell the stories of the ill-prepared. The trailer parks in tornado alley that almost evaporate, the coastal communities that disappear from the landscape, the towns swallowed by the rivers that run through them, the lives and businesses devastated.
What we don’t hear as often are the stories of businesses who developed disaster recovery plans and established alternate locations that that allowed their people and their data to continue operations in the face of natural disasters that now seem increasingly inevitable.
ICS can’t hold back the tide or stop the rain or keep your big sister from getting all the attention, but we can help make sure the weather doesn’t stop your organization from changing the world.
ICS: Prepare. Prevent. Prevail.