Monday, Monday… So Good to Me

Cyber Monday. The masterful creation of marketing professionals, designed to tap your wallet before the turkey and dressing settle in your tummy. Think of the sheer volume of sensitive consumer information that will be wafting through the ether on this day, searching out bargains and tantalizing hackers. Imagine millions of people walking through a big mall with their purses and wallets wide open and you begin to get the picture. But who doesn’t love a deal? And in today’s digital, global, Internet-of-Things, consumption-driven economy, who are we to argue with the ease with which we transact?

The Target Audience

We are all the target audience, and this includes Target, but for a different set of reasons. Retailers have been hit hard over the last year or so, their networks targeted and breached with alarming frequency and surprising success. Banks have been hit as well, the robberies involving few masks and no guns, but producing potentially similar results as the data breaches play out. And these are the two essential actors as the production of Cyber Monday hits the stage. And you thought Uncle Irving’s fondness for brandy and bad holiday jokes was something to worry about (and it probably is).

A Penetrating Solution

As you join the masses this year, spreading holiday cheer in ones and zeros before the sale prices expire, think about the ultimate destination and safety of your personal data. If you think twice, and you should, ask yourself if your organization is doing all it can to protect your network and data. Then call ICS and let us help you answer that last question. Together we can make this Cyber Security Monday. Now that’s a marketing campaign that makes our pocket protectors flutter with anticipation.

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