Next Team, Best Team

As an IT professional and keen business observer, you’re always scouting talent. You like to recruit good people as you find them, not as you need them. Your savvy and swagger often assure the corner offices that you’ve got everything under control, even as they tell you about the seven new projects they’ve landed for next year. You’d like to celebrate, but you’ve got networks to manage, managers to network, and emails to return. And you’re going to need more people. More of the best people. The best people you can find.

The Nimbility of Augmentation

When you can’t keep your finger on the industry pulse like you’d like to, let ICS do it for you. Because we work with clients across the IT space, we’re able to help with recruitment for a variety of projects and positions. We can find entry-level folks with a BS in CS or IT or ISM all the way up to seasoned veterans with CISSP, CBCP, PMP, ITIL, and CHS-III certifications who deliver the goods PDQ and ASAP.

We see staff augmentation as a way of increasing your organization’s flexibility and productivity because nothing says nimble like secure and project-based IT staffing. For longer-term staffing, ICS can assess your needs, identify and screen prospects, present the best candidates, and even integrate the new members with your team, all in about 10 business days.

In the IT world, ICS offers collateral influence. We put some really smart people next to yours and watch the magic happen. Top hat and rabbit sold separately. Call us today.

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