No File Left Behind

When you’re hiking the Appalachian Trail, it’s important to leave no trace. LNT has become a maxim of sorts among those who engage the outdoors, but over the last several months, the implications for cybersecurity have emerged. Or not. Maybe they haven’t emerged, and that’s the problem.

Malware up to this point has been deployed though a file. Whether the file enters your network through a phishing campaign, a thumb drive, or one of a million other vulnerabilities, the hope has always been that the antivirus software would snag the bad actor at some point along the way. That has changed. There is a new threat emerging on the scene, and that threat is not cloaked in a file of any sort.

In a recent piece on, this new wave of cyber threat is described as being even more dangerous then ran somewhere, because the malware is not traceable and leaves nothing behind. Nevertheless, hackers are able to access very sensitive data.

A New Face For A New Game

What does this mean for your organization? It means that, not only must you be evermore vigilant, you must embrace a rapidly changing cyber threat landscape and expand your list of best practices to ensure the integrity and security of your technical assets.icd

ICS is an industry leader in the cybersecurity game. While we can execute proven strategies to protect your networking data from known threats, we can also prepare your organization to face the threats that haven’t even been thought of yet.

Call today, and let’s start a conversation.

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