Not What You Think It Is

Some things are exactly what you expect. A ballpene hammer, for example, is difficult to mistake for anything else. But if someone hammers your online presence, littering comment and review boxes with inaccurate characterizations of your business, the picture seen by your customers and prospects is very different from what you might imagine.

Now imagine that someone not only creates a false impression or picture of your organization’s digital presence, they create an experience so real that your customers and prospects can’t or don’t differentiate it from your real website. Researchers at Kapersky suggest that hackers successfully did just that, breaching DNS registrations to take control of all digital properties of a Brazilian bank. The details can be found in this recent Wired article, but the long and short of it is customers logging in to their bank were diverted to a facade — the Rock Ridge of the banking website community — where they unknowingly surrendered their personal information to a phishing scam. Just like Blazing Saddles, Mongo was not happy.

The Sheriff Is Near

Your digital footprint is a complex thing, and no effort should be spared to keep it safe and working hard for you. Luckily, there’s a new sheriff in town, and while we’re unlikely to ride up on a Gucci saddle or deputize Gene Wilder, ICS is an industry leader in cybersecurity engagement and protection, and you can take that to the bank.

From vulnerability assessment to business continuity planning and everything in between, ICS has the answers to the questions you should be asking.


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