Nude Photos of Cybersecurity Hacked

Cybersecurity is a beautiful thing…

…but is it as beautiful as Jennifer Lawrence or Kate Upton? As always, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in recent days, beauty has also been in the hands of the hacker. While you may or may not have nude photos of yourself stored safely in the lofty and presumably secure ether in the sky, unauthorized access of your fully clothed data could leave you just as exposed and vulnerable as Hollywood’s publicists suggest their clients are.

Let’s lay this issue bare, shall we?

In a very real sense, cybersecurity is a ubiquitous threat. It is literally everywhere, all the time. We call it the Internet of Things, and right now your networked printer is talking to your thermostat and your iPhone while, quite possibly, a quirky piece of malware is releasing control of all these functions to a bearded introvert planning a corporate coup from his parents’ suburban Hoboken basement. If you think it can’t happen to you, we loved you in The Hunger Games.

The naked truth? We’re all vulnerable.

But we can make good faith efforts to thwart the attacks without limiting authorized access to data or blowing up the IT budget. ICS performs vulnerability assessments and penetration testing for organizations of all sizes and across all industries. It’s what we do. Call our team of professionals today before some clever troll hacks into the Office Christmas Party pictures from 2011. You know the ones.

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