On the Road Again

Spring is working really hard to push through the snow as chilly nights give way to warmer days and the road beckons the warriors back from a long winter’s nap. It’s time to hit the bricks, pound the pavement, spend the shoe leather, all looking for new opportunities for your business. And, when the day is done, when your team has left nothing on the field in Topeka, given their all in Albany, there’s a cozy bed with rewards points, warm cookies, and complimentary WiFi waiting at the next exit. Home, sweet home, right?

Wireless Infidelity

WiFi, especially the unsecured variety, is the revolving door of the cyberthreat trade. The creepy guy in the coffee shop is probably not nearly as dangerous as the laptop on the table in front of the would-be college kid. A hotel WiFi adds a layer of vulnerability because it separates guest users physically but not digitally. And that’s just the folks looking to access your machine. It gets worse.

Charge That to the Card on File?

Hotels typically have PMS, or property management software, that facilitates smoother, real-time operations of each property. Each property is also tethered to the mothership for reservations and franchise-related transactions, and your organization’s digital footprint is present every step of the way, from the credit card swipe to the magnetic strip on the back of the key card. Start counting the franchise hotels on your next road trip and imagine that data checking out and leaving you with the bill.
At ICS, we can’t put you up in the guest room, but we can help ensure that what happens in Des Moines stays in Des Moines. Call today and reserve your peace of mind.
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