Open Sez-A-Me

Passwords have long been the sentinel at the door, all while the goodies behind the door have grown more and more attractive and the efforts of the bad guys have grown more sophisticated. A movement has been afoot for a while to phase out passwords altogether, but big players within the tech world had withheld complete support, among them Apple. Well, as reported by ZDnet and others, Apple has joined the FIDO Alliance in moving the WebAuthn technology forward. That’s good news for most.

Given the tendency of many users to establish and use fairly simple passwords (1234 is still the most common), the eventual demise of the password culture is upon us. Questions remain about how the new systems can and will be implemented, and ICS is certainly here to help with transitions, but the security of your network and data don’t hang solely on the integrity of your employees’ passwords. On second thought, they might indeed hang by that thinnest of threads. But chances are pretty good that your organization is facing multiple vulnerabilities beyond someone finding our what Madge in Accounting calls her cat. It’s Snowball, by the way, but that’s not important right now.

Digital Vulnerability

You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken, and by the time you’re likely to know it’s broken, the damage could be epic. In addition to penetration testing, ICS can asses your digital infrastructure, take a look at what your digital footprint might be stepping in without you knowing it. A Vulnerability Assessment will help satisfy compliance requirements, but it will also help you sleep at night. Call ICS today.

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