Peek-a-boo, I See You

It’s not just another day at the office. There are many reasons to celebrate. The big deal closed, quarterly numbers were way up, and Madge in accounting is celebrating her 30th year at the company. Cake and Cokes for everybody! Woohoo! The only folks having more fun than the staff at the party are the hackers watching the festivities from afar, though they’re more interested in delving further into your network than they are in blowing out Madge’s candles.

A recent study revealed about 15,000 webcams by various manufacturers were vulnerable at the point of installation, and further security measures were never installed to protect either the devices or the organizations that use them. 15,000 doesn’t sound like a lot in the grand scheme of things, unless one of them is yours. That changes the perspective pretty quickly.

Shut The Front Door

Cybercriminals benefit from an almost endless supply of opportunities, and human nature doesn’t hurt their cause most of the time. It would be easy to stick your organizational head in the sand and hope for the best, especially in light of the probable inevitability of a breach of some sort in your future.

ICS prefers to take a stand. We prefer to make a good faith effort to anticipate and quantify threats to your network and data, to plant a flag, and to post a vigilant guard armed with policies and protocols designed to keep your folks moving forward no matter what happens.

If you like our perspective, call ICS today and let’s get after it.

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