Penetrating Proximity

chaseYou’re an IT professional, so you know the man behind the curtain. In some cases you are the man behind the curtain. But I bet you still tense up if somebody’s standing a little too close when you’re at the ATM. You still get curious when others get curious about your personal information, like your address or phone number or date of birth. And if they ask for your SSN, the hair on the back of your neck stands up. All natural responses for someone at the leading edge of cyber defense.

J.P. Morgan – A Day at the Breach

Apparently the four hackers who breached J.P Morgan Chase had plans to replicate the business acumen and product offerings of Merrill Lynch, only they wanted to skip the work part. The U.S. Attorney leading the charge described the breach as massive, involving more than 80 million customer accounts and netting the hackers over $100 million. Nice work if you can get it, unless you get caught — and these guys did.

Growing Threat Meets Fresh Eyes

But, again, you’re an IT professional, and you probably don’t make $100 million, even though your daily vigil keeps your company from losing that amount. The exposure, though, grows every day, and you need help. You need some fresh eyes on the good work you do, just in case somebody puts some fresh eyes and sticky fingers on your network and data.

Call ICS today and let our ethical hackers assess your vulnerabilities and use pen testing strategies to make sure your organization’s data and dollars stay where they belong.
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