Is This Segway Going My Way?
What happens, though, when your well-oiled machine wants to go in the direction someone else is leaning, someone who has hacked into your network and found a way to make your organization zig, just when you want it to zag. Oh the treachery that would ensue. but that’s just the potential uncovered in a recent Wired article. The more we want our Segways to respond to our every need, the more we open ourselves to the possibility of breach and, ultimately, the reality that someone else will find a way to control it.
Like Ben Franklin once said, “If they can hack a Segway, it’s only a matter of time until they worm that malicious code into our safest network infrastructures.” Okay, maybe it was Jefferson, but the point remains that clever minds have now hacked almost every device we’ve created, including the Segway, so it’s a matter of time.
Call ICS today, and let us help protect your well-oiled machine. Helmet and pads sold separately.