A River Runs Through IT

Analysts and journalists tell us that there are two types of networks, those that have been hacked and those that will be soon. Security experts suggest that the second category might not exist at all, as the percentage of organizations, big and small, that have been breached zeroes in on 100. The trolls get smarter and more patient as we increase our vulnerability by an ever-expanding digital footprint, even while many organizations take no significant steps to assess their exposure and protect their data. Denial. It’s no longer just a river in Egypt.

Venetian Blind

Maybe a river is too bucolic an image. Perhaps the canal system in Venice is more analogous to the pervasive nature of the threat, for those canals are the very lifeblood of an ancient city, the pipelines through which information and commerce have flowed for centuries. But we too often forget about the other plumbing that flows in and out of the canals, even when reminded on the hottest of breezeless summer days. Like the Internet, the canals have borne the paddles of human progress, and like those who came before us, we are often lulled by the romance, blind to the risk.

O Captain, My Captain

ICS uses industry-leading technologies to audit and assess your security program. Where weaknesses are discovered, we can further assess the vulnerability of your network infrastructure and, using ethical hackers, attempt an attack on the identified vulnerabilities.

We keep the information flowing securely along the water-related metaphor of your choice, and we make sure the only bites come from the fish. Call ICS today and start your voyage to Cyber Security. I hear it’s really pretty this time of year.
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