Rolling Like a Rockefeller

First Quarter results are in the books, and the contracts you hunted late into last year have borne fruit. Like the Robber Barons of yesteryear, you have a dogged commitment to your industry, though sometimes you wish you had cornered the oil market instead. Because, like the scions of the Gilded Age in American history, you are trying to build trust in a marketplace that often seems more like the wild, wild west. Nevertheless, the horizon seems rife with opportunity and your sales team is all fishing and no cutting bait. 

Fish On! Tackle the Staff

As the projects walk through your door, though, you wonder if maybe you’ve bitten off more than you can chew? You bid a dozen coding geniuses but won the contract with only eight in house, and building up your staff is always a gamble as you surf the economic coastline that is the American economy. Isn’t there a better answer?

Master of His Domain

Rockefeller was a brilliant organizer of people, and Standard Oil was a testament to that particular gift of his. One of his golden rules, and one ICS strives to replicate, was to recruit talent as found, not as needed. ICS works with the industry’s best every day, drawing from deep talent pools to satisfy our clients’ full-time and project-based staffing needs. We can help you find the right folks for the right job at the right time at the right price. Am I right?

If you’ve got a big project looming, let us help you find your Inner Rockefeller.

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